2021 Corona Virus Travel

It is your first trip post corona virus and you have no idea what to expect. Well, your girl is here to help you out. I am vaxxed, waxed, and ready to hit the plane, train, and automobile. I have all the info on what you need to know and what you need to think about it. Here is my complete guide to 2021 corona virus travel.

The Airport

People are traveling by airplane more than any other method of travel. I have taken several trips this year and I want to give you all a few tips on what to expect and how to keep yourself safe.

  1. The airports are cutting back hours of operation for a lot of the retail stores. If you are expecting to grab a quick snack and you are traveling early in the morning or late at night then you may be out of luck. You will have to settle for homemade snacks and water from the water fountain if you do not plan in advance. Now, there isn’t a plan that you can make for a store that isn’t open but if you know early, then you can accordingly.
  2. Several of my posts talk about bringing wet wipes with you when you travel. I suggested it before Rona and I suggest it now. Wet wipes are essential for 2021 corona virus travel. A lot of airlines are taking additional precautions to keep planes clean, but there are areas that still lack. There is no guarantee that the middle seat will be blocked. People are still coughing and touching stuff. Make sure you are protecting your space by wiping down chairs, bags, and hands to keep the germs away.
  3. Social distancing appears to not to be a priority anymore. There were several times where I had to ask someone to back up away from me. After months of isolation a lot of people crave human contact. This includes conversations in close proximity. Not all states are requiring masks any more. This means that there is often times where unmasked people are standing close to you. If this is a concern, try to move away to a safer location.

Alternatives to Flying

  1. A staycation never hurt and one of my 2021 corona virus travel tips is to try to explore your own city or go somewhere local. I get it, you have been stuck in the house for what appears to be a million years. However, staying local can also prevent you from being exposed to a lot of unnecessary germs. A lot of people have reduced immune systems since they haven’t been exposed to a lot of other germs. I would suggest you take it slow before just jumping back into full blown travel.
  2. Have I told you about the joys of a road trip? I am always a proponent of a road trip and I have taken two since the start of Covid. 2021 corona virus travel means that you need to travel smarter. This can be accomplished by limiting your exposure to outside factors. Stick to the rivers that you are used to and the germs in your car will help to prevent you from chasing waterfalls. You can find some of my road trip tips right here.

Travel Shaming

Travel shaming has always been an issue. 2021 corona virus travel has not made this situation any different. You are not obligated to explain to anyone why you are traveling and where you are traveling to. There are a few ways to deal with the uncomfortable feelings that come from travel shaming.

One step you can take is to post pictures after you return home. I completely understand the desire to flex on the haters and show them how you are laid up in the cabana. However, do you really want to deal with your aunt making comments about how you can get the Rona and die?

Try to handle the situation as an adult. There are many people who are still very scared of the virus. It is important to acknowledge that over a million people have died from this virus. If you are taking every precaution to be safe then you should not feel guilty about traveling.

Safety Tips You Can Take

  1. You should always have some type of cleaning supply with you. I personally make sure to pack some type of lysol or clorox wipes. You are welcome to use whatever brand that makes you feel comfortable. I make sure to wipe down various surfaces such as door handles, arm rests, remotes in the hotel, and whatever chair that I am sitting in. Before the pandemic I would do this and I avoided getting sick on a large majority of the trips that I took.
  2. Make sure that you are pick destinations that followed some type of Covid protocols. If the country never made an attempt to keep its residents safe then it probably isn’t going to make the attempt to keep you safe either.
  3. Practice all of the recommended safety tips. I try to maintain social distance even when it isn’t required. Frankly I don’t know why we were ever standing on top of one another. I make sure to wash my hands frequently which you should have been doing regardless. In a lot of cases I will wear my mask in the beginning until I catch the vibe of how other people are going to react.

That is all for now! Check out some of my downloads where you can find additional resources.