Black travel in Australia is a topic that I just don’t hear enough about. I get that the flight might be long. I also get that it is a bit out of the way when it comes to North America and Europe. However, Australia has so much to offer for a Black Traveler. Not only is the country incredibly safe but it’s amazing to watch Native Australians and other Black immigrants grow their space in Australian culture. Here are some tips to inspire your Black travel in Australia.

Black Americans Do Well
When you head to Australia, you will find that you aren’t going to run into a large amount of Black people. This goes for American, Africans, Europeans, or Native Australians. Most Black people that travel or live in the land down under are expected to be rappers, athletes, or entertainers of some sort.
I have heard that you almost become an overnight celebrity because of this perception. You will find that urban music is regularly played in stores and clubs. Don’t be offended by some Australians trying to use slang with you. They probably got it from music or tv and you are the first person that they can test it out on.
Safety Isn’t A Concern
Australia is one of the safest countries in the world. Guns have been banned for well over a decade. Stabbing in Australia are rare and almost never happen. The police in the country don’t even regularly carry firearms. You will find that even day to day living you will find that you are incredibly safe while traveling through Australia.
I often talk about safety when it comes to solo female travel and it’s the number one thing that I think about when it comes to travel. Australia has consistently ranked high on safe countries to travel to.
Racism Is a Thing, A Small Thing
I am not going to say that Racism doesn’t happen but it is mostly geared towards Aboriginal Blacks than any other demographic. Casual racism is definitely a thing and you may face some stereotype expectations that can be uncomfortable. The likelihood that you would face outright racism or a threat to your safety is pretty low. However, if there is some racism in restaurants or night clubs, it isn’t out of the ordinary. It is definitely no worse than someone would face in America or Europe.
If you are an American, European, or Canadian Black person trying to get a bit of Black travel in Australia, then racism is probably not going to be geared towards you. What may be uncomfortable is having to witness racism towards other Black people. There may also be some racism to other none Black cultures.
Australia is not known for being a heavily racist country. Their racism is mostly geared towards the indigenous of their own country. I wanted to make sure that I mentioned it regardless.
What to Do With Your Hair

You will be happy to find that you should be able to find products for your hair in Australia. I can’t say that it is easy in all parts of Australia but it is possible in the larger cities. Do you want wigs, braiding hair, or products? All three are definitely available.
Specifically, you can go to Enmore Road in Newtown. Prices of products that are geared towards Black people can be high, so you may want to stock up before you head to Australia but, it is available. Remember that Sydney is humid so if that doesn’t work well with your hair then you should make the necessary adjustments now rather than lately.
Reasons in Favor of Black Travel in Australia

- You can get a work visa for a year in Australia. This means that if you wanted long term travel, you can make it happen.
- The state minimum wage is livable. Australia is not the cheapest countries that you will be able to travel to but there are a lot of cool jobs that you should be able to get. You can work as a surf instructor or in one of the state parks. If you are planning to work in Australia then the minimum wage can get you a fairly comfortable living.
- The vacation leave and maternity leave in Australia is way better than a lot of other countries. If you are thinking of setting up more long term in Australia then this is an added benefit over a lot of other countries.
What to Do
- Newtown, in Sydney, is really the multicultural epicenter of the country. It is definitely where you are going to see most of your diversity. It is also where you are going to find most of the activities geared towards people of color.
- There are several murals dedicated to Black pop culture. Some of the murals are not specific to Black pop culture but, there are a lot of familiar Black faces that you will want to see. For instance, there is a huge mural to Martin Luther King Jr, who we know is American.
- Try to Attend Africultures. It has been going strong for over 10 years. The last year had over 18,000 people attend. It isn’t burning man in the dessert but at the very least you will be able to experience different Black cultures in Australia. You will find several African cultures being represented such as Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Senegal, Liberia, and Ghana.

There you have it. A few tips about Black travel in Australia. If you are looking for my travel guide regarding what to do in Australia, you can find that right here. Travel safe my friends!
hi there thanks for the useful posts 🙂